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Home Vargus valgus deformeerumine

Vargus valgus deformeerumine

The therapist applies a valgus stress at the knee while the ankle is stabilized in slight lateral rotation either with the hand or with the leg held between the examiner's arm and trunk. The knee is first in full extension, and then it is slightly (20-30 degrees) so that it is “unlocked”.1. Sensitivity. 86%[2]. K=0.16[3]. N/A .


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In orthopedics, a valgus deformity is a condition in which the bone segment distal to a joint is angled outward The opposite deformation, where the twist is toward the center of the body, is called varus. Common causes of valgus knee (knock-knee, that is, genu valgum) in adults include arthritis of the knee and trauma.

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Valgusi deformatsiooniga kaltsium ja fosfori elektroforees